Ok, so I checked out the Frugal is Fabulous blog, and loved it! I've made my own coupon book, and guess what? I only spent ONE DOLLAR total on it! Yep, I went to Walmart (cause that's about all we have here) and looked in the photo dept. I got the plastic Mini Album on clearance for $1.00. I had scrapbook paper and etc. to add my own touches. I used Post-It tags to mark my categories. This handy little thing will fit perfectly in my bag along with the diapers and wipes, etc. and won't be ruined if Dallin's cup leaks or something. Yeah! What's funny is that today I also had to go to the doctor, and while in the waiting room, I took coupons out of the magazines. Is that tacky? I hope not, cause if no one else is going to grab them, I will!
Yeah Glenna! Your book is so cute. And a much better size than mine. I always see missing coupons from the magazines at the doctors, so just be glad you got to them first! Do you have a Walgreens nearby? If so, go back to frugalisfab and she tells you how to get a TON of stuff that's completely free after the mail in rebate.
I'm the other gal who did the challenge. Your book is darling!
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