Dallin loves Sister Schmittel's spaghetti!

We are so blessed! With my recent injury, we have had numerous meals brought in so I wouldn't have to cook dinner. Among them is Sister Schmittel's spaghetti, which Dallin loves! He asks for it for lunch and dinner, and then again before bed. We actually ran out of it several days ago, so I've been substituting lasagna that Shauna and Jared brought, but he still eats it. I don't know what I'll do when that's gone tomorrow.
I'd like to thank everyone that has offered their kindness. Many meals have been brought over, and my dear mom came and swept and mopped my floors (major relief!) and many others have called to ask if they could pick something up at the store or take the kids. It is so nice to know that we are loved, and that we have someone to turn to in time of need. Thanks!!!

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