Dallin is always coming out of his room with whacky things.....and this one was too cute to pass! He was pretending to be a scary monster. Funny thing was, the mask was too big, so he'd run up and growl, and Christopher would just tug the mask down a bit, and Dallin's eyes would be covered...so he would pull it all off, scold Christopher, and proceed to start all over again. What a clown!
Sariah is our "girly girl" and loves to dress up.....apparantly she loves to dress her brother up too. But usually he's not a willing participant. So we had to get a quick picture when she pulled Ryan into the kitchen to show off the trophy: Ryan in pink ballerina pajamas! He was trying to act shy and embarrassed, but I could tell he was loving every minute of it just like Sariah was!
This is my ankle about a week ago, after a long day at the pool. There has been some speculation as to which ankle I broke, and a softball team we played against this week actually thought that my right leg looked atrophied. Well, my right leg is honestly not that SKINNY...and it's the good leg. My left leg is still a bit swollen, but I'll take that over crutches anyday!
We came home from swimming the other day, and after a quick bath and a fresh diaper, Dallin told me "I tired." So I let him lay there while I finished up some things, and when I came back, he had fallen asleep and Bailey had brought his pillow out and put it under his head to make him comfy. I just love watching him sleep....and it takes less energy than when he's awake.

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