
Well, I got a fancy new church calling.....RS PRESIDENT!!! WHAT??!! That's what I thought when the bishop first extended the calling. But I've got a fabulous group of women as my counselors/secretary and I'm really excited to see what is in the future. Today being the first Sunday of the month was my turn, my 1st turn to teach the lesson. Talk about terrified! We are so lucky to have a wonderful group of teachers, which only makes it more stressful to teach. But we also have an amazing group of sisters in our ward that are soooo supportive and loving. I think I may be able to handle this......


Taryn said...

wow,.. I would be a little terrified too. I bet you thought.."I am too young!" :) I think you will be phenomenal though. You have such a sweet sweet spirit. You'll do great!

Amanda said...

Congratulations Glenna, it's a big job but you are right, with good help and relying on the Lord you can do it! I've been in our presidency for a year and I know how much our president goes through. But you can do it!

Kelly said...

I know you're gonna be great. Full confidence.

Natalie said...

Yes, you DO have an awesome group of women to work with! ;) I am so excited to be a part of this, I know you are going to be an incredible President. You are just what this ward needs! You are so sweet, and strong, and spiritual and I just think the WORLD of you!