Dallin.....in heaven

Spring is such a fun time of year. I love taking the kids over to my parent's house to see the baby lambs. So a few weeks ago I went to help with testing at the school and couldn't take Dallin. I left him with my dad and brother, farming. I was totally expecting to come back and he'd be ready to go right away and not even look back. But I was pleasantly surprised. Dallin is a little animal lover. He especially loved this little white orphan lamb. There were others that he would pet, but he kept going back to this one. There was even one that jumped out of its pen and ran to him, and he put it right back in the pen. He was a bit scared of the black lambs though.

And boy did he feel so big when he got to help Grandpa bottle feed one of the lambs. I thought it was so cute how he helped hold the bottle with one hand, and petted the lamb's ear with the other hand. I kept asking if he was ready to go, and he would just ignore me and walk the other way. Finally, something Dallin is willing to do without me right there!


Joel and Crystal said...

Oh how cute!!! I would love for my kids to be able to do this!

Natalie said...

Oh my gosh, I love that kid! But, the first time I read the post title, I was like, "OH MY GOSH!!! DID HE DIE!?!" Hahahaha! Why am I such an airhead???